Chasing Classic Cars….

I have always been a big fan of classic cars. I have even owned a few in the past. Unfortunately as we get older and have more responsibilities, there are some things we have to let go and for me, classic cars was one of those things. On occasion, when the stars align, I do get a chance to go to car shows where I can admire these classic cars. One of those days was a weekend in August when I came across a local car show. The conditions were not ideal, but I it gave me a chance to shoot some medium for mat film using my Bronica ETRSi and a few rolls of Fuji Pro400H. If I had a chance to shoot these pictures again, I would have used a polarizer and I would have tried to get to the show earlier for some softer light. It is just one of those things where I look back and thin of ways to do better in the future.


Yashica Electro 35 GSN Review


Another Portrait Attempt