Aaron Levy


About me

I was born in Chicago, grew up in Northern California, joined the Navy at 20 for the college benefits and ended up retiring 25+ years later. I currently live in PA.

I have been interested in photography since a very young age. This interest was inspired by my dad, who was always taking family photos. He was partial to Nikon and he would cautiously let me hold them and even occasionally take pictures every now and again. He bought me my first camera when I was 9 or 10. It was a plastic 110 camera with the one use flash bar attachment, which had 8 or 10 bulbs on it. I used that camera for  while, but as with all cheap plastic cameras, they were not very sturdy or built to last. 

Throughout the years I have kept shooting photographs with a few breaks (sometimes long breaks) in between. In 2004 I bought my first digital SLR, the Canon 20D. After a while, I sold off my film gear and was strictly digital. Then around 2017 I became interested in film again and I have since collected a few (well more than a few) film cameras. Although I do like film, I do not think it is the end all be all. This does not men that I like digital more, but it is more about capturing the image on the tool I have chosen. Film has a certain look to it and it reminds me of my childhood. 

Why did I build this sight and what is my motivation for photography? 

I built this sight because it is something I have wanted to try out for a while and I really wanted my own thing. Although I have used social media sights in the past, it just wasn’t something I felt was mine and although they are free, you end up becoming the product. So on this sight, I just post my thoughts, travels, and images. It is my purely creative outlet.

My motivation for photography is purely creative. I do not claim to be an expert, but I am constantly trying to learn and improve my craft. Using photography to capture moments in time is my main goal. I tend to gravitate towards street/documentary style photography, but I do experiment with other genres like portraiture and landscape every now and again. I am not necessarily looking for any sort of financial gain, but I would like to create something that shows how I see the world. If it ends up being something that generates enough interest, then I may have to reassess. 

Everything on this sight is based on my personal opinion and views.

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